Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Since no one reads this anyway...

I might as well have some fun with it.

I don't really have much to say. I never do, not really anyway. I have my opinions and I voice them but I don't feel like I ever say anything of importance. I'm just kind of floating. I don't really make a difference in the world. I just am. I am nothing special, I don't have any real talents. I like to think of myself as a ghost, in the happiest way of course. I don't really belong anywhere. I've always felt that way like I belong somewhere but it's somewhere that is unobtainable. I don't ever feel complete except for when I have something to be proud of and as of lately I don't have anything. I  have an amazing relationship, of which I have my doubts (sorry Jamie), but other than that I'll I have is my dream of being a teacher. Even so it's simply that, a dream.  I am lost. That's probably the most profound sentence I have written, or spoke, or thought in a long while, maybe even ever. I don't know where to go, I just know I have to keep on going.

I wrote that ^^^^ a few days ago and I just now read it and I was going to post it as is; But then I realized that it's not me. I was upset when I wrote it and now me posting it would just be me wanted attention. So maybe that's what life is, one giant game of trying to get attention.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Ohhh such a fun topic to discuss. Let me being with saying that it will always be around. It will never change. Someone will always think that they are entitled to something just because they have something that is different than you. That is the way people work and I personally feel that we all just need to get the fuck over it. No matter what there will always be haters and judgers and people who want to pull you down. So why let them? I, as a human, refuse to let someone else make me feel inferior because they have the ego the size of Russia. The color of people’s skin has been the topic of so many controversies that it is nearly impossible to count. Some guy decided that it was a good idea to judge people solely on the color of their skin. I call bullshit on that. Why does it matter if someone is lighter or darker than the next? It should not matter at all, especially in America. Which by the way was created for religious freedom from England so all of this shit about equality can go out the window because in all honesty the only thing they most likely cared about was saving their own asses. Not the point however. Black people should not be called African Americans because, if they were born in America, they are NOT African, their parents might be or even their grandparents were but they were born in AMERICA! NOT AFRICA! I’m tired of feeling like I’m obligated to call them African Americans because it’s the “politically correct” way. Not one black person that I know is from Africa. Not one single person. Nor do I know anyone who has grandparents from Africa. Therefore all of them are at least third generation Americans and are therefore American not African, that is all

Monday, February 8, 2010

First Things First.

People as a whole are stupid. We all know, this so why does everyone I talk to act like it's some huge deal that I choose to make fun of these seemingly innocent scenarios? Simple most of the people I make fun of are those who commit the crime of acting like a fool in front of people. Considering that I am only in hight school and tend to judge people (hell you do it too) this blog would not be complete without poking fun at every single type of person you could imagine. I intend to reach out and pluck the ripest, beautiful fruit off of the stupid tree, share it with you and call it a day. Let us commence the stupidity.
